Your trust is a top priority to us and as such we take privacy extremely seriously.This policy applies to the entire Kola ecosystem. If you do not accept this policy, you may not use the service.

Personal Information

We collect personal information from you (such as name, telephone number, email address etc) when you fill in registration forms, submit comments to the Site, or send emails to us. Please do not submit your personal information to us if you do not wish us to collect it.

Use of Your Information

By using this Site, you agree that we may collect, hold, process and use your information (including personal information) for the purpose of providing you with the Site services and developing our business which includes (without limitation):

If you cancel your user account for the Service, we will promptly and securely delete all of the Personal Information we hold about you. However, we reserve the right to retain any Anonymous Data collected up to the point of cancellation and to continue using it in accordance with this policy.

Sharing Your Information

We may share information about you with suppliers that we engage to help us provide certain services and/or functionality e.g online payment processing. We will use reasonable endeavours to control and be responsible for the use of your information by such suppliers. Furthermore, by using the Site, you consent to the transfer of your personal information outside of the European Economic Area (which may not provide the same protection for such information as the European Economic Area provides) in the event that the processing of your information involves such a transfer.

Keeping Your Personal Information Secure